Dr. Venumadhav, Dr. C. JayakumarDepartment of Pediatrics, Amrita Institute of Medical SciencesIntroductionA one year eleven month old male child presented with alleged ingestion of turpentine oil .He was managed for the same at an outside hospital with high-grade fever, cough, and fast breathing of one week’s duration As symptoms persisted, the child was referred here for […]
Dr. Venkat Kumar Raju, Dr. Vaishakh Anand, Dr.Jayakumar Fifteen yr old with normal antenatal and developmental background who is a known case of cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma (WHO GRADE 1), S/P Sub-occipital craniotomy and near total excision of the lesion presented with the complaints of paroxysmal event in form of up rolling of eyeballs and tonic clonic […]
Dr.Subbulakshmi P S, Dr. Sajitha Nair, Dr. Sindhu, Dr. Sreya Nair, Dr.C.JayakumarDepartment of Paediatrics, AIMS, Kochi Two year six months old male child with a history of febrile seizures and on intermittent clobasam prophylaxis presented with high-grade intermittent fever and a dry cough lasting 20 days and pain during micturition. He was initially managed as an […]
Dr.Sruthi Suresh, Dr.Sathyajith G Nair, Dr.C.JayakumarDepartment of PaediatricsAIMS, KOCHITwo year old male child developmentally normal and immunised for age, who was apparently asymptomatic until 1 week back presented with complaints of high grade intermittent fever of 1 week associated with vomiting, cola coloured urine and yellowish discolouration of skin of 1 day duration. Outside hospital blood […]
Dr.Akshay Kishore , Dr.Bhanu Vikraman Pillai , Dr.Praveena N Bhaskaran , DrCJayakumar Amrita Institute of medical sciences Two year old female child , 4th child of NCM , Term/AGA with a sibling death with ?suspected liver disease came with complaints of fever, cough and lethargy of 2 days duration. Associated with non bilious vomiting – 5-6 […]
Dr Adeena D S. Dr Suma Balan (Pediatric Rheumatology), Dr C JayakumarDepartment Of PediatricsAmrita Hospital Kochi Ten year old girl presented with complaints of pain abdomen which was non radiating , diffuse, increases with food intake and improves with rest, associated with multiple episodes of vomiting which was non-bilious, containing food particles and occasionaly blood […]
Dr.Venkatesh Kumar M, Dr. Praveena N Bhaskaran, Dr.Preethi, DrCJayakumar AIMS,Kochi. Twelve year old male child, developmentally normal and immunised who is a known case of Supracardiac TAPVC post surgical repair presented with swelling noted in the right posterior triangle of neck of one month duration , initially the size of a coin (0.5 x 0.5 […]
Dr Theresa, Dr Praveeena Bhaskar (pediatrics ID), Dr Rema (pediatrics hematology), Dr C Jayakumar, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences , Kochi Six years old male child presented with persistent cervical lymphadenitis and on and off fever of 9 months duration. Initially, the swelling was in the submandibular region, later seemed to descend to the neck […]
Dr.Shobika,Dr.Praveena,DrC Jayakumar Dept of PediatricsAIMS KOCHISixteen years old male child presented with complaints of fever associated with 2-3 episodes of vomiting,abdominal pain of 3 days duration,h/o passing high coloured urine of 1 day duration,with h/o hepatitis A outbreak in schoolNo h/o altered sensorium,bleeding manifestations alteration of sleep rhythm No h/o previous hospital admissions in past.At presentation,he was […]
Dr Mahak Bhasin, Dr. Vinitha Prasad, Dr. Stephy, Dr. C Jayakumar, Department of Pediatrics, AIMS, Kochi Twelve year old male child known case of reactive airway disease on controller inhalers developmentally normal and thriving well presented with 1 episode of dizziness lasting 20 minutes associated with mild head ache while he was attending class. No […]