Pick your poison

Dr. Rithwik Sunil, Dr Vinitha Prasad, Dr C JayakumarAIMS KOCHI Twelve year old presented girl with alleged h/o consumption of a yellow fruit on 21/08/24 at 5:30 pm. After chewing the fruit, she found the taste bitter and immediately spat it out. The teacher was informed and the child’s parents were acknowledged Past HistoryNo h/o […]

Abdominal pain and constipation Beyond habitual constipation 

Dr Varsha v s/ Dr Rema(Paed Haemato)/ DrPraveena/Dr jayakumarFive year old boy with h/o on and off abdominal pain and constipation since last 6 months which get relieved only by laxatives. Presented withc/o severe pain abdomen and constipation since 3 days. On examination vitals stable, pallor present. Systemic examination revealed soft but palpable stools and Hepatosplenomegaly. […]

A missing tooth! Where to be found?!

Dr. Terencia, Dr Sajith Kesavan, Dr Greeshma, Dr. C Jayakumar AIMS Kochi 5 years old male child with alleged history of foreign body(front incisor) ingestion during sleep on 26/08/24. Child was evaluated in an outside hospital and foreign body was opined to be in the right lower lobe bronchus. Attempted to extract the foreign body […]

Cracking the code of CATCH 22 !!!!!

Dr.Sree Lekshmi, Dr. Jayasree, Dr.Perraju, Dr. Aswin, Dr.Lekshmi, Dr. Smriti, (neo)Dr.Sheela Namboothiri. (Paed genetics) DrC Jayakumar  Term AGA Male Baby born to a 26 year old primi mother with anomaly scan showing right sided aortic arch lead to amniocentesis for micro array and that which showed 22q11 deletion – Di George syndrome . Baby was born […]

Pierre Robin Sequence: A multidisciplinary approach to treatment and care in Infancy

Dr Joepaul Joy, Dr Sajith Kesavan(Ped Pulmonology,PICU), Dr Pramod Subash(CMFS), DR C JayakumarAIMS, Kochi  Sixteen days old term/ AGA/ male baby delivered via LSCS(Indication- Previous LSCS) on Jet feeding technique presented to ER in view of desaturation. Echo and BERA done outside were normal. Swallowing study showed cleft palate with normal nasopharynx and mobile vocal cord. On examination […]

Jeune Syndrome

Dr.Jerin.K.John, Dr.C.Jayakumar A 4 year child, a full-term baby of a non consanguineous patents was born via vaginal delivery with a narrow thorax, post-axial polydactyly in both hands and the left foot, gum hypertrophy with multiple frenulae, and short limbs with rhizomelic shortening. Anterior fontanelle (AF) was at level. The neonatal period was uneventful until […]

Chondrodysplasia Punctata: A Rare Skeletal Dysplasia with Binder’s Facies

Dr.venumadhav, Dr.Sheela Nampoothiri (Paed genetics)DrCJayakumarAIMS Kochi Preterm make 30 weeks of gestation born byLSCS due to PIH of a SLE mother, came for further evaluation . Mother was on treatment for lupus nephritis with Hydroxychloroquine, Labetalol, and Nicardia.Prenatal scans revealed the fetus was small for gestational age with mild mid-facial hypoplasia and frontonasal flattening. Fetal Karyotyping […]


Dr Anakha V Ajay  , Dr Aswin Prabhakaran (Deptof Pediatric surgery)  Dr Jayasree Dr Perraju Dr Smrithi Dr Ashwin Dr Lakshmi (Dept of Neonatology) Dr C Jayakumar(Dept of Pediatrics) AIMS Kochi Four day old out born baby born to a 27 year old gravida 3 para 2 living 2 mother at 39+6 weeks of gestation […]

Case of Joubert Syndrome with Bleeding Gums

Dr.Ch Venkat Kumar Raju,Dr Suma Balan , Dr C.Jayakumar Department of Pediatric and pediatric rheumatology Amrita institute of medical sciences, kochi  Four year-old female child from Maldives, with a background history of prematurity, right renal agenesis, thalassemia carrier, in view of facial dysmorphism, ptosis and Molar tooth sign in MRI with cerebellar hypoplasia was diagnosed […]