Case of Falciparum malaria 

Dr.Akshay Kishore , Dr.Krishna Kumar , Dr.Praveena N Bhaskaran , Dr.C.Jayakumar , AIMS kochi.  Eight year old female child Ugandan child Ugandan citizen diagnosed case of , case of rheumatic heart disease with severe MR planned for mitral valve repair presented with grade fever with chills and rigors for 1 week duration. Pointer symptoms suggestive of […]


Dr.Venkatesh Kumar, Dr.Vinayan(Pediatric Neurology ), Dr.Sheela Nampoorthi(Genetics), Dr.C.Jayakumar, AIMS Kochi. Six year old male child, 4th out of 5 children, born of non-consanguineous marriage presented with paroxsymal events since 9 months of age with semiology of up rolling of eye ball with multiple episodes of oral automatism ,clonic stiffening of left upper and lower limbs. […]

B 12.

Dr Adeena, Dr Praveena ,Dr JayakumarAIMS  Nine month old girl,2nd child of non consanginous marriage with normal antenatal history,born term ,presented with failure to gain weight and developemntal plateau after 6 months of age.She was exclusively breast fed until 6 months,followed by attempt to initiate complimentary feeds but failed Hence child was being predominantly breast fed […]

Oesophageal duplication cyst

Dr.Shobika,Dr.Naveen,Dr.Praveena,Dr.Preethi DrC Jayakumar Department of pediatricsAIMS KOCHITen year old boy presented of breathing difficulty  for 3 daysNo h/o fever,fast breathing,loose stools,chest pain,cough,rashes or Genito urinary symptoms Past history:No previous hospital admissions On examination,child was conscious,orientedVitals:stableS/E:Respiratory system – Air entry bilaterally equal Other systems within normal limitsInvestigations :TLC-11.82,N-50.3,L-36.5,PCV-38.1X ray chest : Normal  CT chest – esophageal cyst Barium swallow – […]

Headache in an Adolescent girl; 

Dr. Rithwik Sunil , Dr.Vinitha Prasad, Dr.Stefy, Dr. Shela, Dr C Jayakumar Thirteen year old female child presented with throbbing headache more on the right side since 5 days with photo -phono phobia. To begin with she had 2 to 3 episodes non projectile, non billous, non blood stained vomiting and passage of orange coloured […]

A case of mass per abdomen

Dr. Mahak Bhasin, Dr Sindhu, Dr. Jayakumar, Department of Pediatrics, AIMS, Kochi  Six month old male baby born to G3P1L1 mother, GDM with Polyhydramnios with antenatal scans showing increasing abdominal circumference in the baby delivered vaginally ,induced at 35 weeks and 4 days of gestation. Birth weight was 3.380kgs at birth and baby was treated […]

Post-Infectious Auto immune Hemolytic anemia

Dr.Ghaniya KC , Dr.C.Jayakumar Three year old female child presented with Incidentally detected low Hb during rituneCBC one week back Hb- 6.1 gm/dl No h/o cough /vomiting /seziures/ loose stools,bleeding from any sites ,picca ,recurrent infectionsPast History –Three months ago had LRTI , CBC done Hb was mortal at that timeO/E : Child is active, not sick lookingVitals […]

H1N1 Encephalopathy

DrVarsha Dr Sajith Kesavan/ Dr Greeshma Isaac(Paed pulmonologist ,Intensivists)DrC Jayakumar Department Of Pediatrics, AIMS KochiThree years old female child developmentally normal, fully immunized according to NIS with no significant past history presented with c/o fever with myalgia of 4 days duration followed by paraxysmal event with stiffening of both limbs of 2minutes duration which was self […]

What happens when VLCFA(Very long chain fatty acids) accumulate in our tissues?!

Dr.Terencia.A/ Dr. Sheela Nampoothiri,DrDhanya (ped genetics)Dr.Vinayan/Dr.Vaishakh Anandped Neuro)Dr. C Jayakumar Eight years old male child, 1 st born to NCM presented with paroxysmal events since last 6 months, gaze disturbance and hard of hearing since 2 weeksduration. Perinatal and developmental history are normal but had seizures at the age of 1.5 years with fever and […]