New onset Refractory status Epilepticus(NORSE )with sequelae

Dr Joepaul Joy, Dr Vinayan KP, Dr Vysakh Anand(Ped Neuro), Dr C Jayakumar Six and year five month old boy, first of NCM with normal perinatal and developmental history presented with acute cluster of seizures and encephalopathy following a febrile illness. Child was treated outside as Super refractory status epilepticusOut side hospital history Child developed high grade intermittent […]

Tiny but Tenacious!!!!!! A newborn’sjourney through a challenging start

Dr.Sree Lekshmy.S,Dr.Jayasree,Dr.Perraju, Dr.Aswin, Dr.Lekshmi(Neonatology), Dr.Naveen (Ped surgery)DrC Jayakumar Thirty three week+ 4day old male baby, first child of Non consangenousparentage born to a G8A7 mother (IVF conception) with antenatal scans showing dilated fetal stomach and proximal small bowel loops, born by Emergency LSCS (indication: preterm premature rupture of membranes). Baby cried immediately after birth. Baby developed […]

Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy in a Post-Kasai Infant with Biliary Atresia: Diagnosis and Management

  Dr. Jerin K. John, (Dr. Bhanu Vikraman Pillai Dr. Anupa AchamaThomas Dr. Neeraj Panchanadikar Ped gastro )Dr. C. Jayakumar (Pediatrics)  A 6-month-old developmentally normal female infant, the third child of non-consanguineous parents, with a history of biliary atresia status post-Kasai procedure, presented to the OPD with three episodes of dysentery The infant also had vomiting, reduced urine […]

“From Boils to Breakthroughs: Tackling Severe Congenital Neutropenia in Infancy”

Dr. Venumadhav, Dr. C. JayakumarDepartment of Pediatrics, Amrita Institute of Medical SciencesIntroductionA 15-month-old female Maldivian child presented with recurrent episodes of short febrile illnesses, skin and soft tissue infections, and respiratory tract infections since early infancy. She had previously been incidentally diagnosed with neutropenia and was on treatment for the boils on her upper limbs From […]


Dr AnakhaV Ajay ,Dr Jayasree, Dr Perraju  DrLakshmi, Dr Ashwin Dr Smrithi (Dept of Neonatology) Dr C JayakumarAIMS KochiThree day old male neonate born to a 39 year old Gravida 4, Para 2 Living 2 Abortion 1 mother with negative serologies, whose pregnancy was complicated by pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH). Baby was born at 35 weeks […]

A Case of Infective Endocarditis

  Dr.Ch Venkat Kumar Raju, Dr Praveena N B, Dr. R Krishna Kumar, Dr.C Jayakumar Department of Pediatric Cardiology and Pediatrics Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences   17-year-old female from Malappuram was brought by mother with complaints of fever for 4 months, cough for 2 months, blood tinged sputum, breathing difficulty and rashes on lower […]


Dr.Subbulakshmi.P.S*, Dr. Jayakumar.C*, Dr.Praveena Bhaskaran*, Dr.Suhaas Udaykumar***Department of Paediatrics, **Department of neurosurgeryAIMS, KochiTwo years old female child, 1st child of non-consanguineous marriage, apparently normal 3 weeks back, developed pain in the neck region which was insidious in onset and radiating to bilateral shoulder region after which mother noticed a small insignificant swelling at the back […]

Exploring a Pediatric Case of Fever, Rash, and Joint Pain: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Insights

Dr.Sruthi, Dr.Sajitha Nair, Dr.Suma Balan (Pediatricrheumatology), Dr.C.Jayakumar Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi  Twelve year old male presented with intermittent episodes of high grade fever which started three months back associated with an evanescent rashes, pain and swelling of both knees. He was on steroid from an outside hospital and showed good response for around […]

Smooth brain : A case of Miller Dieker syndrome. 

Dr.Akshay Kishore , Dr.Vinitha Prasad , Dr.Vinayan KP , Dr.C.Jayakumar , Amrita institute of medical sciences.  Five month old child Term with vital perinatal history presented with complaints of sudden onset spasm occurring as clusters during awake state for 2 days duration. Semiology being flexion of neck and upper limbs lasting for 10 seconds like salaam […]

Case of HLHS

Dr Adeena ,Dr Jayasree(Neo), Dr Jayakumar Department of PediatricsAIMS KOCHI Seven hour old baby was referred to AIMS in view of congenital heart disease detected antenatally for a 30 year old G2P1L1 mother, GDM on oral hypoglycemicsThird trimester evaluation showed mitral atresia , hypoplastic left heart syndrome.Baby was born at 30 wk+2/7 of gestation by vaginal […]