Dr.Venkatesh Kumar M, Dr.C.Jayakumar, Dr.Praveena, Dr.Preethi, AIMS,Kochi.Twenty five days old female baby (Late Preterm- 35 weeks + 5 days) 1st child of NCM presented with the complaints of pustular skin lesions since birth which used to subside with medications parenteral IV Antibiotics to recur again. Initially mother noticed the lesions in the form of erythematous, […]

Testicular Torsion

Dr.Shobika,Dr.Jayakumar,Dr.Praveena,Dr.Naveen(pediatric surgery)AIMS KOCHISeventeen year old male child who is developmentally normal, immunized upto age,presented with complaints of sudden onset of  left sided testicular pain since 3 days.No h/o fever,urinary symptoms,abdominal pain,loose stools,traumaPast history-No similar illness in past Growth parameters were normal.Investigations done showed CRP-72.64mg/dl,TLC-19.3ku/ml,N-75.3%,L-15.4%,E-0.6%,Preop serology done were negative.Differentials Acute epididymo orchitis Torsion testicle Torsion of the appendix of epidiys Strangulated […]

Mass in Abdomen; a GI conundrum

Dr Rithwik Sunil, Dr C Jayakumar , Dr Praveena N B Sixteen year old male child, a case of Lennox Gastaut Syndrome, GDD, Failure to thrive, symptomatic epilepsy on multiple AEDs,presented with foul smelling loose not blood stained ,5-6 episodes per day . He had history of low grade intermittent fever of 1 day duration, […]

A Case of of IgA vasculitis with Intussusception

Dr.Ghaniya KC , Dr.C JayakumarAims pediatrics Thirteen years old , male child , case of IgA vasculitis one week ago on oral steroids presented with complaints of severe abdominal pain and 4 episodes of non projectile non bilious vomiting No h/o hemetemesis/melena/loose stools / fever / jaundice / reddish urine Past History – 1st child of NCMAntenatal […]

Case of Beckwith Weideman Syndrome

Dr Mahak Bhasin, Dr Sajitha Nair, Dr Sindhu, Dr Sreya, Dr Jayakumar (Dept of Pediatrics) More to the story than what meets the eye– Two and a half year old male child developmentally normal and immunised for age was brought with complaints of loose watery stools not containing blood and non projectile non bilious vomiting […]

Navigating the Storm: A Case of Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome with Severe Complications and Remarkable Recovery.

Dr Varsha V S,Dr Anil Mathew(Paed Nephrologist)(Dr Sajith Kesavan,Dr Greeshma Issac;Pead intensivists)DrC Jayakumar Department of Pediatrics , AIMS Kochi. Two years old boy presented to ER with c/o fever and generalised edema of 2 days duration. He was evaluated outside with urine and urine protein was >3+ and urine protein creatinine ratio> 0.2 ,with hypoalbuminemia . […]

Beyond weak muscles !!!

Dr.Sree Lekshmy.S, Dr.Sajitha Nair, Dr.Sindhu, Dr.Sreya Nair ,DrC Jayakumar Two year old female second born, non consangenous pareatage presented with wet cough of 1week, high grade intermittent fever of 4days and breathing difficultyChild was conscious, tachypneic intercostal and subcostal retractions but no desaturation.Clinical examination revealed weak cough, bell shaped chest and paradoxical abdominal breathing pattern. Chest […]

Osteogenesis Imperfecta:

Multidisciplinary care in a complex caseDr Joepaul Joy, Dr Sheela Nampoothiri, Dr Dhanya Yasodharan(Pediatric genetics), Dr C Jayakumar, AIMS Kochi Three year old male child, first born of non consanguineous marriage, delivered normally birth weight of 3.9kg presented to Genetics OPD with complaints of five times lower limb fractures. First fracture occurred after one year of […]