Dr.Jerin.K.John,Dr.Bhanu Vikraman Pillai(pedgastro),Dr.Anupa Achama Thomas(ped gastro), Dr.Neeraj Panchanadikar(ped gastro),Dr.C.Jayakumar (pediatrics) A previously asymptomatic 6-month-old male child, exclusively breastfed and developmentally normal, and the second child of a non-consanguineous marriage (NCM), presented with progressive abdominal distension for three weeks. There was no significant family history or other health issues. On examination, his abdomen was grossly distended, with […]
Dr Anakha V Ajay ,Dr Jayasree Dr Perraju DrAshwin Dr Lakshmi Dr Smriti(Dept of Neonatology) Dr C Jayakumar( Dept of paediatrics), AIMS, KochiA female neonate born to twenty year old primimother (non consanguineous couple) at 39 weeks 4 days. Antenatal scans revealed bilateral enlarged head completely fluid filled with no intact cerebral cortex or cortical […]
Dr. Venumadhav,Dr.SajithaNair,DrC Jayakumar Department of Pediatrics, Amrita Institute of Medical SciencesIntroductionA four year old female child presented with the complaints of vesiculobullous lesions over bilateral hands, elbows, feet, knee, perioral and perianal regions since 1 year of age. She is born term, AGA, developmentally normal and immunized according to the NIS schedule. She had similar leisons at […]
Dr. Ch. Venkat Kumar Raju, Dr. R Krishna Kumar, Dr. C JayakumarAmrita Institute of Medical sciences Fourteen year old female from Tirunelveli presented with complaints of breathing difficulty since 2 years. Child noticed breathing difficulty when she was playing with her peers. Which was gradually progressing.After a year she had dyspnea even climbing a plight […]
Dr.Subbulakshmi P S**, (Dr.Jayasree*, Dr.Lakshmi Nair*, Dr.Smrithi*, Dr.Aswin*, Dr.Raju* Department of Neonatology, *)DrC Jayakumar Department of Paediatrics, AIMS,Kochi Thirty seven weeks old 1st female baby was born by a primi mother by emergency LSCS 2.3kg in-view of abnormal doppler. Antenatally it was uneventful other than the GDM and PIH . Baby had a delayed perinatal transition […]
Dr.Sruthi, Dr.Sajitha Nair, Dr.C.JayakumarAmrita Institute of Medical Sciences, KochiFour-year-old presented with high grade intermittent fever (T max- 102`F) and left lower limb pain of two weeks duration. She was initially managed at a local hospital symptomatically and then later with antibiotics (Inj. Ceftriaxone for four days). Persistence of fever and inability to bear weight led […]
Dr.Akshay Kishore , Dr.Vinitha Prasad , Dr.C.Jayakumar , Amrita institute of medical sciences Six year old male child presented with asymmetry of the anterior left chest with flat ill developed nipple No history of left side weaknessDiagnosis considered is Poland syndrome. On examination , There is absence of pectoralis major on the left side. Overlying soft tissues of the […]
Dr Adeena , Dr Naveen, Dr Pramod [Pediatric surgery] , Dr Jayakumar AIMS Kochi Three month old boy, 2nd child of NCM, with antenatal history of polyhydraminos and Gestational diabetes on diet control from 5 month of gestation,born preterm 36+1/7 via Emergency LSCS weighing 3kg and had secondary apnoea requiring Positive pressure ventilation followed by NICU […]
Dr.Venkatesh Kumar, Dr.Praveena Bhaskar Dr.C.Jayakumar, AIMS,Kochi.Eight month old male child- presented with complaints of erythematous rashes which were initially noticed by mother on face,hands and over the trunk of days duration associated with high grade intermittent fever and rhinitis of 3 days duration.As the symptoms persisted and labs done outside showed leucopenia with thrombocytopenia,he was […]
Dr Theresa Raju, Dr. Suma Balan(pediatric rheumatology), Dr C Jayakumar. Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences Twelve year old female child presented with recurrent episodes of swelling and pain in the left submandibular region since the last 2 years.The symptoms usually last for 1 week and was on and off and was associated with pain. The […]