Case of CPAM

Dr.Shobika,Dr.Mohan abraham,Dr.Aswin Prabhakaran(Paed surgery)DrCJayakumar AIMS KOCHITerm,AGA,Male baby,whose antenatal scan showed Enlarged echogenic left lung causing mediastinal shift to right-suggestive of Congenital pulmonary airway malformationType 3(microcytic)(CPAM volume-12.6cc,CVR ratio-0.4cm2).After birth,baby had no distress.Air entry bilaterally equal,,hemodynamically stable,not required any support.Contrast enhanced CT chest which showed CPAM 3 or hybrid lesion with no significant change in size, started  on […]

Evaluation of Congenital Toxoplasmosis

Dr Rithwik Sunil, Dr Praveena N Bhaskaran, Dr C JayakumarFour month old male baby presented with abnormal shape of head and distended abdomen. Vitals and PICCLE were normalANTENATAL HISTORY: 3RD child of NCM after a failedCopper T device application There is H/o fever with lymphadenopathy in 3rd month for which supportive treatment was received History of spotting […]

Case of Silvery Grey Hair

Dr. Mahak, Dr Sajitha Nair, Dr Sindhu, Dr Sreya, Dr Jayakumar, Department of Pediatrics, AIMS, Kochi one year old male child, sixth child of third degree consanguinous marriage, born preterm at 35 weeks via Emergency LSCS(in view of PIH), developmentally normal and immunised for age presented with high grade intermittent fever of 3 week duration. […]

Case of pancreatitis

Dr. Ghaniya KC, Dr. Bhanu Vikraman Pillai (Paed Gastro) DrC Jayakumar A twelve-year-old male child presented with severe abdominal pain for one full day. The patient has a history of recurrent acute pancreatitis, with the first episode occurring at seven years of age, and has had four similar episodes since then. The child has been […]

Case of Patau syndrome

Dr Varsha V S, Dr Jayasree C, Dr Lakshmi S Nair, Dr Perraju Bendapudi, Dr Ashwin S Prabhu, Dr Smrithi Madhava Menon. (AimsNeo)DrC Jayakumar AIMS Kochi. Late PreTerm/Symmetrical SGA/Female baby born to a 25 years old primi mother. Mother have no medical illness. Antenatal scans normal. Emergency LSCS was done due to oligohydramnios. Baby cried immediately after birth Baby […]

JMML Vs RALD-K-RAS(Kristen Rat Sarcoma MUTATION in a 1 year old?!

Dr.Terencia, Dr Neeraj /Dr.Manoj Unni/Dr. Rema(Dept of Clinical Hematology), Dr. C Jayakumar One year old child the first born of non-consanguinous parentagewith mild motor delay presented with history of recurrent infections from 7months of age.History of treatment for acute febrile illness with complementary and alternative system of medicine (CAM) is also availableChild had three episodes […]

The Tall Tale !!!“Unveiling the connective tissue Conundrum”

Dr Sree Lekshmy.S,Dr.Sheela Namboothiri (Paed genetics), Dr.Mahesh (paed cardiology) DrC Jayakumar  Twelve year old boy, only child of non consangenous parentage presented with complaints of raised chest wall for 2yrs. Vitals were stable and PICCLE was normal.Auxology: height-162cm expected149cm Upper segment(US)-66cmLower segment(LS)-96cmUS:LS -0.68expected 1:1Arm span -173cmArm span to height-1.06Differentials : Marfan syndrome, Homocystinuria, LoeysDietz syndrome.General examination showed bilateral flared pinna, […]

Unveiling  Split Hand/Foot Malformation: Clinical Insights and Genetic Perspectives

Dr Joepaul Joy, Dr Sheela Nampoothiri,Dr Dhanya Yasodharan(Paediatric Genetics), Dr C JayakumarTwenty days old male baby from Kanyakumari, first child of nonconsanguenous parentage delivered by LSCS due to breech with birth weight- 3.15kg Mother was on treatment for hypothyroidism she had oligohydramnios Postnatally baby was observed to have syndactyly of bilateral 3rd and 4th fingers, bilateral ectrodactyly […]

Clostridium difficile pseudomembrane colitis

Dr.Jerin.K.John, Dr.Bhanu vikraman pillai (Dr.Anupa (Ped gastro,AIMS), Dr.Neeraj(Ped gastro,AIMS),Dr.C.JayakumarA 3-year-old girl with normal perinatal history presented with a 2-week history of bloody loose stools occurring 10-12 times a day, and high-grade intermittent fever.At admission her vitals were stable The child appeared ill with signs of some dehydration. The abdomen was soft and non-tender, but there is […]


Dr Anakha V Ajay  Dr Sajith KesavanDr Greeshma Issac(Dept of pediatricpulmonology) Dr C Jayakumar(Dept of paediatrics)Four year old term LSCS female child was born to a non consanguenous parentage birth weight of 3.14kgPost Natally child had history of  NICU stay on day 1 due to neonatal sepsis, requiring ventilator support and discharged on day 11 […]