Abdominal Anguish: The Hidden Battle of Budd-Chiari Syndrome in Infancy

Dr. Venumadhav, Dr.Bhanu Vikraman Pillai (Paed Gatsro) Dr. C. Jayakumar, Dr.Sajitha Nair Department of Pediatrics, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences Introduction A six month old male child presented to the outpatient department with complaints of progressive abdominal distension over the past 3 weeks,and poor feeding for the past 2 days. There was no history of fever, fast breathing,  jaundice, mucocutaneous bleeds, periorbital puffiness, pale coloured […]


Dr.Subbulakshmi P S, Dr.Bhanu Vikraman pillai Dr.Rekha, Dr.Anupa Thomas, Dr.Jayakumar CAIMS, Kochi Eleven years old , female child who was asymptomatic previously, now presented with diffuse and  vague abdominal pain intermittently x 2 years. No history of vomiting, loose stools, blood in stools, burning micturition, weight loss noted. She is the 2nd child of non-consangious marriage, with […]

A venomous encounter : A case report on the clinical management and recovery of a snake bite victim

Dr.Sruthi Suresh , Dr.Sajith Kesavan (Paed critical care), Dr.Greeshma(Paed critical care), Dr.C. JayakumarAIMS, KochiEight-year-old female child was taken to a local hospital with alleged history of snake bite on her left lower limb. Whole blood clotting time was found to be prolonged and she was given antisnake venom (ASV) 20 She developed sever local sit pain, […]

14 year old icteric child with hepatosplenomegaly

Dr Adeena D S, DrPraveena , Dr C JayakumarDept of Pediatrics,Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences. Fourteen year old boy brought to ER with complaints of abdominal pain and vomiting of 5 days and low grade fever of 2 days duration.USG abdomen showed cholelithiasis and cholecystitis.Hence he was referred here.No history of rashes,bleeding manifestations,progressive pallor,hematuria,seizuresHe was […]

A Case of Congenital Icthyosis – Chanarin- Dorfman’s syndrome. 

Dr.Akshay Kishore , Dr.Suma Balan(Pediatric Rheumatology ), Dr.C.Jayakumar. Amrita institute of medical sciences.  Thirteen year old male apparently normal till November 2023 had first episode of significant fever accompanied by abdominal pain and loose stools for 3 days duration. No history of vomiting/reduced urine output. There was history of generalised dry skin requiring treatment in the past. […]


Dr.Venkatesh Kumar.M,Dr. Pavithran(Medical Oncology), Dr.Praveena, Dr.C.Jayakumar, AIMS, Kochi. Four years old male 3rd child developmentally normal and immunised from Maldives at the age of 2 years is noticed to have a swelling over his abdomen incidentally by the mother The swelling was initially in the abdomen but has progressively increased in size and they have […]


Dr Theresa Raju, Dr Suma Balan(Dept of Rheumatology), Dr C Jayakumar, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences Twelve year old female presented with a 6 month history of evening rise in temperature, initially treated symptomatically with anti pyretics. The fever was intermittent, low grade not associated with chills. The mother also noticed painless a neck swelling […]

A Case of SLE with lupus nephritis

Dr.Shobika,Dr.C Jayakumar,Dr.PraveenaAIMS KOCHISixteen year old girl with normal past medical reccords presented with one month history of joint pain of the hands.She had progressive pedal edema followed by frothy urineOn evaluation she was found to have anemia,thrombocytopenia, altered renal function and alopecia.Her immunisation is partial only till 6 months of age.Auxololgy showed normal growth parameters.On […]

Approach to Fanconis Anemia

Dr.Rithwik Sunil, Dr. Praveena N Bhaskaran , Dr. C JayakumarAIMS KOCHI One year old male child from Maldives presented with complaints of noisy breathing and abnormal shape of head since birth.No h/o fast breathing, chest retractions,bluishness ,fever, loose stools, seizures, rash , dysuria This is the 1st child of NCM and antenatal growth scan showed microcephaly at […]