Dr. Mahak Bhasin, Dr. Sajitha Nair, Dr Dhanya Yesodharan, Dr Sheela Namboothri, Dr. C Jayakumar, Department od Pediatrics, AIMS, Koxchi Nine years and 7 month old female child developmentally normal and immunised for age presented to the OPD for evaluation of back curvature She was the second child of non-cinsanguinious marriage.Antenatal History- UneventfulNatal – Term/BW […]
A case of Ewing’s sarcomaDr.Ghaniya KC , Dr.C.JayakumarAims , KochiSixteen years old female child, previously healthy, developmentally normal child, presented with complaints of left heel pain since four months. Pain used to be worse at night.Child developed swelling and pain after a dancing practise and was not able to bear weight since four months. No […]
Dr Varsha v s, Dr Vaishak Anand,Dr Praveena Bhaskaran ,DrC Jayakumar Six year old girl child,presented with the complaints of speech difficulty, gait ataxia and progressive dystonia of the right side ,postural instability of 2 yrs duration. She was evaluated outside with EEG which was told to be abnormal and started on phenytoin and leviteracetam […]
Dr. Terencia. A, Dr. Vinayan/Dr. Vaishak(Pediatric Neurology), Dr C Jayakumar AIMS, KOCHI. Six years old female child, was referred h for lower Back pain since 2.5years, more frequently since 7-8 months and headache of 2-3months. Lower Back pain was associated with sense of tightening and squeezing in bilateral thighs, right > left but no radiating pain. […]
Dr. Sree Lekshmy, Dr. Sheela Nampoothiri, Dr. Dhanya Yashodharan, Dr. C Jayakumar Seven year old male child, presented due to short stature noticed since 2yrs of age. Vitals were stable and PICCLE was normal.Auxology: Weight:14.8kgHeight:97cm (<3rd centile)Head circumference:49.5cmLower segment (LS)-44.5cmUS:LS -1.17:1Father’s height: 172cmMother’s height: 162cmMid parental height- 180cmGeneral examination showed dolicocephaly, flat nasal bridge, thick long eyelashes, high […]
Dr Joepaul Joy, Dr Sajith Kesavan(Pediatric pulmonologist and intensivist), Dr Greeshma(Pediatric intensivist), Dr C Jayakumar Six year old female child, with uneventful perinatal history was referred due to fever and sore throat, vomiting, loose stools and abdominal discomfort ,headache, altered behaviour and loss of consciousness. ECG showed ST-T changes […]
Authors:Dr. Jerin K. John, Dr. Jayasree (Neonatology), Dr. Smrithi (Neonatology), Dr. Amrita (Neonatology), Dr. C. Jayakumar (Pediatrics)A three-day-old term, asymmetric small-for-gestational-age (SGA) neonate, born via normal vaginal delivery to a primigravida mother with no significant antenatal risk factors, was referred for evaluation of absent sucking and swallowing reflexes since birth. The baby, with a birth weight of 2.42 kg, length of 43 cm, and head circumference of 33 […]
Dr Anakha V Ajay Dr Suma Balan( Dept of Pediatric Rheumatology) Dr C Jayakumar(Dept of Pediatrics) AIMS, KochiTwelve year old boy presented with complaint of recurrent episode of high grade fever since 2 months associated with painful cervical swelling which was increasing in size.and occasional joint pain.On evaluation the swelling was found to be necrotizing […]
Dr.Venkatesh Kumar M, Dr.Suhas (Neurosurgery), Dr.C.Jayakumar, AIMS,Kochi. Fourteen years old boy normal paediatric history presented with complaints of tilting (Oscillopsia)of of objects on prolonged observation since last one year. He was in treatment for the same in the last one year with a diagnosis of vertigo and as hypoglycemic events . He had one epiosde of […]
Dr Theresa Raju, Dr Vinayan KP (paediatric neurology), Dr C Jayakumar, Amrita Institute of medical sciences, Kochi Three year-old male first born of NCM presented with the complaints of developmental delay with behavioural issues, noticed predominantly in speech and social aspects .Antenatal history: Mother had PIH in the last trimester. Maternal scans were normal. Natal history: There was […]