Dr.Rithwik Sunil, Dr.Bhanu Vikraman pillai , Dr.RekhaHari, Dr. Anupa Thomas , Dr. C Jayakumar Eleven year old child presented with abdominal pain, high grade fever and multiple episodes of vomiting since 1 day. He was dehydratedChild was previously admitted with acute pancreatitis in 2019 and Feb 2023. Except for those 2 admissions there is no other admission and […]
DrMehak ,DrC Jayakumar,DrPraveena Bhaskaran ,Dr Navya George AIMS KOCHI Kerala India A female baby weighing 3.05kgs delivered at 38 weeks and 3 days of gestation via Elective LSCS in view of Previous LSCS to a 35 year old G3P1L1A1 mother who is known case of difficult to control Hypothyroidism since 6 years Baby cried immediately after birth. Baby had wide […]
Dr.Ghaniya KC , DrPraveen VP(Paed Endo)Dr.Greeshma Issac, Dr.Sajith Kesava(Paed Intensivists)Dr.C.Jayakumar Three months old female child, presented with focal and multifocal seizures Baby was 36 week preterm and Infant of diabetic mother on Insulin / Metformin LGA , BW- 3.55 kg was born vaginally with no asphyxia But due to respiratory distress,baby was put on High flow […]
Dr Varsha V S, Dr Suhas Udayakumaran, (Paediatric neuro surgeon )Dr Praveena N Bhaskaran, Dr Navya George DrCJayakumar Department of Pediatrics AIMS Kochi.Fifteen year old boy presented with c/o headache and intermittent fever of 1 month duration. As he had persistent headache with sinus tenderness and low grade fever he was on oral antibiotics as per […]
Dr. Terencia, Dr. Sajitha Nair, Dr. Sathyajith, Dr. Sindhu, Dr, Sreya,DrC Jayakumar One year old child presented with high grade intermittent fever of 10 days and restricted movements of neck of 5 days duration. Small swelling on the right side of the neck was also noticed . Came to AIMS after treatment from nearby health […]
Dr.Sree Lekshmy.S, Dr.Sajith Kesavan, Dr.GreeshmaIssac, Dr.C.Jayakumar One and a half year old female child, first born of a non consanguineous parentage presentedwith recurrent episodes of LRTI since 1yr of age.Child was previously evaluated in multiple hospitals. Chest xray showed persistence of left hemithorax opacity with hyperinflation on right side. At the time of admission, child was alert with stable vitals. Clinically child had reduced air entry on left. Differentials considered […]
Dr. Jerin K John,Dr Vinayan KP Dr C Jayakumar A ten month old male child presented with staring look with paucity of left half of the body .There is history of mild developmental deadly .History is negative for headache, neck stiffness, photophobia, visual disturbances, head injury, weakness, or any drug intake. The patient didn’t have any inpatient care in the past in infancy except […]
Dr Joepaul Joy, Dr Vinitha Prasad, Dr Shela, Dr C JayakumarAIMS KOCHI KERALA INDIA Seven month old developmentally normal, immunized for age male child k/c/o Perimembranous VSD with Left to Right shunt restricted by Septal Tricuspid Leaflet, Valvar PS, Doming pulmonary valve presented with complaints of vomiting since last 1 week, associated with greenish stools, 3-4 episodes per […]
Dr Anakha V Ajay,Dr Suma Balan(Paed Rheumat)DrC JayakumarAIMS, Kochi.Kerala ,India Ten year old female child presented with bilateral elbow and ankle joint pain associated with swelling over bilateral feet of one week duration .Subsequently she developed erythematous rashes over both lower limbs of 4 days duration. History was negative for fever, reccurent oral ulcers,haematuria, shortness of breath.With […]
Dr. Venumadhav, Dr.Suma balan(Paed Rheumato), Dr. C. JayakumarDepartment of Pediatrics, Amrita Institute of Medical Science,Kochi ,Kerala ,India A 11 year old male child presented with dry cough, difficulty in swallowing food and intermittent episodes of vomiting for 2 months duration . Parents noticed thickening and tightening of skin over the arms, fingers since 1 month […]