Dr.Shobika,Dr.VinithaPrasad ,Dr.Steffy,Dr.ShelaDrC Jayakumar Nine year old male child presented with complaints of wet cough of 10 days duration associated with high grade intermittent fever and chills of 7 days duration with at least 2-3 spikes everyday, initially,he was managed with oral antibiotics (azithromycin).Due to persistent fever spikes,child was admitted in local hospital,where labs CRP-65 and CXR […]
Dr Rithwik Sunil, Dr Sheela Nampoothiri, Dr C Jayakumar Three months and 3days old male 1st born of NCM brought with c/o of dysmorphism with antenatally detected left isomerism/intermediate AV canal defect (Large inlet VSD)Child is feeding well, weight gain+ , no suck rest suck cycle, No fast breathing, no chest indrawing noted, recurrent respiratory infectionsAntenataly: History […]
Dr. Mahak Bhasin, Dr. Vinitha Prasad, Dr. C. Jayakumar, Department of Pediatrics, AIMS, Kochi One and half old female , presented with multiple swellings at the back of the head and neck noticed since Day 45 of life with low grade intermittent fever, rhinitis and wet sounding cough of 7 day duration. There was history of […]
Ghaniya KC ,Dr.Bhanu Vikraman pillai (Aims Paed Gastro)Dr C Jayakumar Five years old female presented with complaints of yellow discolouration of sclera and urine since four months and high grade in intermittent fever since four days.History of outside food intake is presentNo history of similar complaints in family members.History of consumption of complimentary and alternative […]
Dr Varsha v s, Dr Suma Balan(Aims Paed Rheumato), Dr Jayakumar. Amrita Institute Of Medical Sciences. Seventeen year old girl presented with non itchy hyperpigmented skin lesions on the face and neck,first appeared over the face which was initially hypopigmented of one month duration.There was no h/o fever, joint pains, lip puckering, cough, chest pain or raynauds […]
Dr. Terencia/ Dr. Vinayan(Dept of Pediatric Neurology), Dr. C Jayakumar AIMS, KOCHIEleven year girl from a non consanguineous parentage presented with body pain and generalised myalgia of 20 days duration. No other relevant history On 2nd day of illness she developed fever and was treated with oral antbiotics and anti-pyretics for 2 days. Child continued to be […]
Dr. Sree Lekshmy, Dr. Sheela Nampoothiri, Dr. Dhanya Yashodharan, Dr. C Jayakumar Two old male child, only child of non consanguineous parentage presented with complaints of raised chest wall which was noticed recently by mother. Vitals were stable and PICCLE was normal.Auxology: Weight:9.5kgHeight:79cm (3rd centile)Head circumference:49cmLower segment(LS)-35cmUS:LS -1.2:1 General examination showed short neck, pectus carinatum, bilateral […]
Dr Joepaul Joy, Dr Sajith Kesavan(Ped pulmonologist and intensivist), Dr Greeshma(Pediatric intensivist), Dr C Jayakumar, AIMS Kochi Nine year old male child, first born of non consanguineous marriage, developmentally normal and immunized for age with uneventful perinatal historyreferred from outside hospital was admitted with complaints of high grade fever, cough and generalized tiredness since 5 days. […]
Authors:Dr. Jerin K. John, Dr. Suma Balan (Pediatric Rheumatology,Dr. Sabin George (Pediatric Rheumatology), Dr. C. Jayakumar A seven year-old boy, presented with a 6-day history of acute-onset diffuse abdominal pain, occasional vomiting, generalized body aches, and joint pain with swelling, in the feet and ankles. The mother reported reddish rashes over the both legs and […]
Dr Anakha V Ajay Dr Suhas Udaykumar (Aims Paed Neurosurgery) Dr C Jayakumar(Dept of Pediatrics) AIMS, KochiFour months old presented with abnormal head shape. He was born term via emergency Cesarean section with birth weight of 2.5kg. Antenatal scan showed distorted skull shape with frontal widening and occipital narrowing. Fetal ECHO and microarray done were normal. […]