Dr Varsha V S, Dr C Jayakumar, Dr Praveena N Bhaskaran, Dr Navya GeorgeAIMS, KochiLate preterm AGA male baby born to 26 yrs old P1 / L1 /A 1 mother via normal vaginal delivery with birth weight of 2.59kg with OB incompatibility, no birth asphyxia and mother having no co-morbidities, presented with jaundice .Baby was […]
DrMehak , DrVenkat , DrBhanu Vikraman Pillai (;Paed gastro)DrSheela Nampoothiri(Paed Genetics ) DrC JayakumarAIMS KOCHIThree month old infant, second child of third degree consanguinous parentage who was developmentally normal, partially immunised presented with loose watery stools since 16 th day of life. Birth weight was 2.86kgs. Baby was started on topfeeds which were continued for […]
Dr.SreeLekshmys, Dr.C.Jayakumar, Dr.Praveena, Dr.Navya. One yr old female child with history of one respiratory tract infection at six months of age, presented with high grade intermittent fever lower chest in drawing and fast breathing of 2days. At admission child was febrile and tachypneic with saturation of 93% improved to 99% with 5 L O. Decreased air entry noted at right mammary and infra axillary areas and b/L wheeze […]
Dr Joepaul Joy , Dr Vinitha Prasad, Dr Navya, Dr Stefy, Dr Shela, Dr C Jayakumar Eleven year old male child, first child of a nonconsangenous parentage immunised ,developmentally normal,asthmatic on controllers presented with sand paper like rashes all over the body. Initially rashes developed on face, later progressed to all over the body . […]
Dr.Jerin.K.John, Dr.Suma Balan, Dr.C.JayakumarAIMS KOCHI A 3-year-old boy presented with fever and skin rashes 10 months back which was followed by weakness with difficulty in getting up from sitting position and joint pain. Joint pain got resolved but weakness and skin rashes persisted. He was on treatment from alternative system of medicine without relief. Examination revealed […]
Dr. Terencia, Dr. C Jayakumar, Dr. Praveena, Dr. Bhanu vikramam pillai, Dr. Navya A 15-year-old male, immunized and developmentally normal, was initially evaluated at AIMS for complaints of abdominal pain, altered bowel habits, and weight loss persisting for 6 months. As routine causes of abdominal pain were negative, upper GI endoscopy was done and revealed mild gastritis and a small sliding hiatal […]
Dr.Mehak Dr Suma Balan Dr Jayakumar Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric rheumatology, Amrita institute of medical sciences , kochi Fourteen year old male boy asymptomatic till six years of age presented with sudden onset high grade fever Tmax 103F with cough and runny nose. Other historical points suggestive of system involvement was negativeXray Chest was […]
Dr. Venumadhav, Dr.Bhanu vikraman, Dr. C. Jayakumar Department of Pediatrics, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences Introduction A 15-year-old girl presented with generalized body ache, tiredness, and abdominal pain for one month. She had weight loss of 3 kilograms over the past 6 months. This girl was born preterm at 8 months, had a history of […]
Dr.Subbulakshmi P S, Dr.Jayasree.C, Dr.Jayakumar.C AIMS, Kochi Thirty two weeks 1.8kg preterm baby of twenty five years old primi was delivered by vaginal delivery due to uterine contraction. Antenatally scan showed Monochorionic Diamniotic twinwith absent cardiac activity in one fetus. Differentials: ● Vanishing twin syndrome ● IntraUterine Death ● Twin to twin transfusion Syndrome(TTTS) ● Twin reversed Arterial Perfusion(TRAP) After Doppler TRAP Sequence was confirmed and fetus A, the […]
Dr.Ch. Venkat Kumar Raju, Dr. Praveena Bhaskaran, Dr. Vaishakh Anand, Dr.C. Jayakumar AIMS KOCHI Three year 11-month-old fully vaccinated child presented with non-bilious vomiting associated with multiple episodes of large volume, watery and foul-smelling loose stools.Sibling also had fever and was getting in patient care three days back .Child was on family pot diet and not […]