Dr.Sruthi, Dr Rema (Paed Haematology), Dr.C.Jayakumar Dept. Of Pediatrics, AIMS, Kochi One year old male child of 4th degree consanguineous parentage presented with increasing pallor since 3 months of age. Born term AGA, uneventful antenatal and post-natal period. At 3 months of age, during the evaluation of LRTI he was found to have haemoglobin of 1.8gm/dl. He had anaemiainduced cardiac failure and […]
Dr Akshay Kishore ,Dr.Sajith Kesavan , DR C Jayakumar AIMS kochi Two months old of a non consanguineous parentage child with uneventful antenatal history , and no significant family history ,Term/AGA presented with fever, breathing difficulty on day 3 of life. As baby was desaturated child was ventilated.Due to recurrent apneic episodes baby was started […]
Dr Adeena ,Dr Sajith Kesavan, Dr Greeshma Issac,Dr Sheela Namboothiri, Dr CJayakumar Five-month-old girl first born to a non-consanguineous couple presented with poor activity for 4 days followed by fever, multiple episodes of vomiting, altered breathing and decreased urine output of 1 day duration. Out side hospital hypoglycemia and severe metabolic acidosis (pH 6.995, HCO3 -5.6) was […]
Dr Theresa Raju*Dr Sajitha Nair *Dr Gopikrishnan Anjaneyan * Dr C Jayakumar*Department of Pediatrics* and Dermatology**AIMS KOCHI Fifteen year-old male boy presented with erythema, scaling and flaking of skin from 20 days of life managed with topical applications developed high-grade intermittent fever and cough of 7 days duration. He came to AIMS as fever and […]
Dr.Venkatesh Kumar, Dr.Vinitha Prasad, Dr.Stefy, Dr.Shela, Dr.C.Jayakumar.Eight year old developmentally normal and immunized male child developed early morning periorbital puffinessHistory suggestive of renal ,Hepatic or cardiac illness was absentHe came to AIMS due to low Hb detected outsideThere is history of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia that was managed with phototherapyBut after that there is no history of […]
Dr Rithwik Sunil, Dr. Vinayan, Dr. Sajith Kesavan,Dr C Jayakumar Seven year old child, 1st of NCM, developmentally normal and immunized presented with bilateral lower limb weakness followed by upper limb weakness and left sided facial weakness To begin with he had upper respiratory symptoms but progressed to breathlessness . On 4th day of illness child had features of7th ,9th and 10th nerve involvement . Parents also noticed […]
Dr C Jayakumar , Dr Gigo karimattim George, Gigo scan Kottayam ,DrVenkat ,DrVishnu B Menon ,Community medicine Eleven year old girl otherwise normal attending school presented to the office room for a swelling in the in the medical aspect of the right upper arm of size 2 into 1 cm. No history of weight loss […]
Dr.Shobika,DrAnupa Thomas ,Dr.Bhanu Vikraman pillai ,DrRekha Hari Dr.C Jayakumar AIMS KOCHI One year old developmentally normal and immunized female child presented with vomiting of 1 day followed by black tarry stools,with blood clots As per outside health care facility Hb dropped from 11 to 7 so PRBC was given .USG abdomen-multiple small bowel loops seen in […]
Dr.Ghaniya KC ,Dr.Sreya drSindhu ,Dr Sathyajith A , Dr.Sajitha Nair ,Dr Bhanu Vikraman Pillai Dr.C.Jayakumar Fifty five day old male child 1.7kg first born out of a non consanguineous parentage from Maldives, born at 34 weeks with bilateral CTEV came to AIMS for evaluation of progressive jaundice, pale yellow stools and dark colored urine noticed […]
Dr Varsha V S, , Dr Naveen Viswanath, Dr Pramod ,DrC JayakumarAIMS, Kochi Eleven year old girl presented with severe abdominal pain of 1day duration and 2 episodes vomiting after referral from a nearby hospital. No h/o of fever, vomiting or loose stool. Child at ER had severe abdominal pain with normal vitals She was […]