Staph pharyngitis Patch that covers entire pharynx 

Dr Shobhika ,DrC Jayakumar ,DrPraveena Bhaskaran ,DrNavya George AIMS KOCHI 11 month old immunised for the age male child presented with  high Grade intermittent fever of 7 days ,cough,loose stools,diffuse erythematous rash over body.The child was on treatment for the same from another hospitalThe child was febrile,sick looking.But vitals stableClinical examination of throat showed extensive white patch […]

Check your gene when there is no clinical cure

A case of Crohns with poor treatment responseDr Mehak ,DrBhanu VikramanPillai ,DrAnupa Thomas ,DrRekhaHari ,DrCJayakumar Sixteen year old male boy who had history of recurrent episodes of passageof loose stool presented with history of increased frequency ofloose stools with no blood or tenesmus up to 10times since 10 daysHe was tired looking and marasmic in […]

Case of H-Type TEF  

Dr.Ghaniya K.C , Dr.C.Jayakumar , Dr.Praveena N.Bhaskaran , Dr.Stefy Suuny Jacob , Dr.Navya George , Dr.Shela Sany 4 year old girl, S/P anoplasty for   imperforate anus on Day 4 of life, presented with history of multiple admissions for recurrent LRTI and FTT for evaluation. Child also had complaints of recurrent aspiration post feeds. Let […]

Case of Crohns Disease.

Dr Theresa Raju,Dr C.Jayakumar,DrBhanu Vikraman Pillai Dr Praveena,DrAnupa Dr Navya George 6 year old female presented with high grade intermittent fever since 1 month associated with periumblical pain and recurrent oral ulcers . History is negative for conditions that affect other system The child was treated outside hospital on two occasion prior to this for […]

Case Of Achondroplasia

Dr Varsha v s, Dr C Jayakumar, Dr Praveena N Bhaskaran, Dr Navya GeorgeAIMS Kochi.Term male Baby of a non consanguineous parentage was delivered byLSCS at 39 weeks of gestation.Anomaly scans at 22 weeks of gestation was grossly normal with slight increase in diameter of posterior horn of lateral ventricles on the right side. Repeat […]

Confirm for early Kasai Clock is Ticking

 Dr. Terencia, Dr. C Jayakumar, Dr Bhanu vikraman Pillai, DrNaveenViswanath ,Dr. Praveena Bhaskaran, Dr Navya GeorgeAIMS Kochi. Forty five old infant with seccundum ASD presented with yellowish discoloration of sclera, trunk, hands, palms and soles from 2 weeks of life and high coloured urine and pale stools .There is no other relevant history Clinically child had […]

Case of Kikuchi Fujimoto disease

Dr.SreeLekshmys, Dr.C.Jayakumar, DrSuma Balan Dr.Praveena Bhaskaran Dr.Navya George 10yr old boy presented with high grade intermittent fever of two months and was on treatment from other hospitals .He was febrile but with other stable vitals .Multiple bilateral tender cervical lymphadenopathy, largest measuring 2×1 c/m was palpated in the cervical region . Systemic examination was unremarkable.  CBC […]

Leukaemia scare 

Dr Jerin.K.John,Dr C.Jayakumar,DrPraveena Bhaskaran ,DrNavya George  16 year old boy apparently normal presented with sore throat and dysphasia of 2 weeks duration associated with high grade intermittent fever for more than 2 weeks duration.Actually he came to our hospital hospital on his own when Bone marrow examination was suggested as part of work up .He […]

Anaemia ,Iron not working

DrJoe Paul ,DrPraveena,DrNavya George DrSuchithra Sivadas, Dr.Rema ,Dr.C. Jayakumar3 month old male child, late preterm 3rd child of non consanginous marriage with normal growth and development, immunized for age and who was also on follow up for anemia was brought with complaints of increasing pallor.On day 2 of life child had Non A Non Haemolytic […]