Skin bleeds always create panic 

Dr.Akshay Kishore , Dr.C.Jayakumar , Dr. Suchithra Sivadas AIMS kochi. 17 year old boy apparently normal not on any se medication till now presented with a contusion over his abdomen alleged to have occurred following a hit with the elbow by his friend Subsequently two such contusion developed over his loin and in the fore armDifferential […]

Native Treatment for Atopic Eczema- Scanty urine out put .

Dr.Subbulakshmi P S, Dr.Jayakumar.C, Dr.Vinitha Prasad Dr. Praveena N Bhaskaran, Dr.Suchitra SivadasAIMS, Kochi 7 month old girl presented with generalised edema of 1 week ,High grade intermittent fever of 4 days,high colored ,reduced urine output of 2 days and yellowish discolouration of eyes since 2 days.No periorbital puffiness was noted.No fast breathing/Loose or clay colored […]

Silent invader :Navigating a Renal Fungal Ball’s enigmatic Realm

Dr.Sruthi Suresh (Resident )Dr.Jayasree (Neo)Dr.C.JayakumarAIMS Kochi Seventy four day old male baby presented due to respiratory distressShe was delivered at 28th week (790gm )to a primi mother by an emergency caesarean section due to utero-placental insufficiency.Baby was not saturating and was initiated on Bubble CPAP initially followed by one dose of surfactant. Baby was gradually […]

Case of fever with rash

DrMehak ,DrC Jayakumar DrPraveena Bhaskaran ,DrNavya George  Nine year old girl presented with low grade intermittent fever of 4 days and pin point erythematous well circumscribed non pruritic flat rashes over  lower limbs. Over the next 4 days, the rashes increased in size and number, became raised over skin surface and smaller rashes coalesced to form […]

Beyond the Swellings- A Bony Tale

Dr. Venumadhav, Dr.Suchitra Sivadas, DJayakumarAims Kochi10 year old female presented with complaints of cough andlobulated swellings in periorbital area, neck and left shoulderwith restriction of movements. Child was investigated at herprimary care hospital itself. Swellings reduced in size overnext 2-3 weeks but became more firm to hard. As X-ray chestand Usg chest showed evidence of […]

Tiny Warrior – Case of Germ cell tumor

Dr.Ch Venkat Kumar raju, Dr.C. Jayakumar One year old asymptomatic child  presented with fever one week  and irritability  poor oral intake of three days and  B/L lower limb swelling. Symptoms suggestive of cardiac renal and hepato biliary systems were absent . Referral was for High counts and abnormal sonogram Differentials considered were  Renal, hepatic problems, Malnutrition ,lymphedema and cardiac […]

Case of Atypical Kawasaki Disease

Dr.B.Shobika,Dr.C.Jayakumar,Dr.Praveena Bhaskar and Dr.Navya George AIMS KOCHI Two year old male child presented to the ER with high Grade intermittent fever of 10 days. child was febrile,sicklooking,irritable with stable vitals.General examination revealed bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy,congested throat,slightly erythematous lips but Tongue was normal  His systemic examination was normal  Hemogram showed leucopenia and Neutropenia,CRP-194mg/l,procalcitonin-3.43ng/ml,ESR of 135mm.Peripheral smear […]

Shedding light on Pseudo-TORCH  Syndrome” : Navigating  the diagnostic dilemma

 Dr.Venkatesh Kumar M,  Dr.C.Jayakumar ,Dr.Praveena Bhaskaran, Dr.Navya George AIMS KOCHI  Three month old extremely preterm baby( 27 weeks+2  days), 3rd of triplet born by IVF pregnancy  presented with recurrent non bilious vomiting of 3 weeks duration .She had a  stormy neonatal period with  respiratory distress, conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, fungal and MRSA sepsis, anaemia of prematurity(received 5 blood […]

Case of DOCK8 deficiency

Dr.Ghaniya KC , DrSheela Nampoothiri DrSajith Keshavan Dr.Praveena N.Bhaskaran , Dr.Steffy Sunny , Dr.Navya George , Dr.Shela Sany ,DrC Jayakumar  AIMS Kochi Eleven year old girl child , presented with complaints of dry cough for 2 weeks , high grade intermittent fever, fast breathing and Chest retractions for 2 days. She  had 3 episodes of Pneumonia  at […]