Dr Varsha V S, Dr C Jayakumar,DrPraveena drNavya George Dept of Pediatrics , Amrita institute of medical sciences. Four years 5 month old developmentally normal previously asymptomatic female child presented with complaints of on and off high grade fever of 2 weeks duration associated with generalized fatigue and leg pain.History was negative for any other significant symptoms […]
Dr Rithwik Sunil, Dr Vinitha Prasad, Dr. Steffy Sunny Jacob, Dr Shela Sany,Dr Cjayakumar Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi 17 year old boy was brought to the ER with complaints of fever, cough and shortness of breath. Child had high grade intermittent fever of 5 days duration and was initially prescribed Meftal and Amoxicillin, […]
Dr Anakha V Ajay* Dr Sajitha Nair* Dr Mahesh K** Dr C Jayakumar* (Dept of Pediatrics* and Pediatric Cardiology**) Amrita Institute Of Medical Science, Kochi. Three year 11 month old female presented with recurrent episodes of fever, cough and breathing difficulty since birth. History is negative for choking of feeds, aspiration of foreign body or […]
Dr Jerin.K.John, , Dr Krishna Kumar, Dr Shine Kumar, Dr Suma Balan Dr C Jayakumar A three-month-old baby presented with fever, reduced activity, and loose stools for 3 days. The baby had rashes all over the body. After taking blood for culture and other investigations antibiotics was started Irrespective of antibiotics baby continued to have […]
Dr Joepaul, Dr Bhanu Vikraman Pillai, Dr Anupa Achamma Thomas, Dr Rekha Hari, Dr C Jayakumar AIMS Kochi Three year old male presented with progressive abdominal distension and tiredness for the last one week. He was other wise normal till two years of age. At that time he had a fall from a bicycle but […]
DrSreelekshmy , DrShilpa Radhakrishnan, DrNaveen Viswanath , Dr C Jayakumar Aims Kochi 6 year old female child,was admitted due to high grade intermittent fever and wet cough of 8 days. Vitals were stable and PICCLE was normal . Clinically child had 3cm soft liver below the right costal margin and just palpable spleen. CBC and […]
Dr.Subbulakshmi P S, Dr.Jayasree.C, Dr.Jayakumar.C AIMS, Kochi Baby with Intra cranial calcificationDrSubbulekshmi ,DrJayasree ,DrC Jayakumar 34 week old gestational age baby born by LSCS due to fetal distress cried only after resuscitation and later developed respiratory distress ,reached AIMS with neo puff supportBaby was kept NPO initially to start oral feeds a day later and […]
Dr. Terencia. A, Dr. C Jayakumar, AIMS KOCHI 2 months Old term, male Small for gestational age presented with multiple episodes dysentery low grade intermittent fever and poor activity and failure to thrive since 42 days of life. Child had raised inflammatory markers, CSF evidence of meningitis at admission . USG showed multiple splenic abscesses.Child bilateral coarse crepitations and Hepatosplenomegaly. Differentials considered were- 1. […]
Dr.Sruthi Suresh*, Dr.Suma Balan**, Dr.C.Jayakumar*** *3rd year resident, Dept. of Pediatrics, **Prof and HOD, Dept. of Rheumatology, ***Prof and HOD, Dept. of Pediatrics Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi 10 year old female child presented with complaints of recurrent episodes of intermittent fever and cough of since 4 years with erythematous rashes all over body which was painful and pruritic. Lesions used […]
A case of Pyruvate kinase deficiency post splenectomy presenting with Bilirubin of 46mg %. Dr.Akshay Kishore , Dr.Bhanu Vikraman Pillai , Dr.C.Jayakumar AIMS Kochi 10 year old female known case of Pyruvate kinase deficiency postsplenectomy presented with of severe abdominal pain and child was yellowish inappearance of acute onset .Fever/abdominal-distension were absent.Clinically vitals were stable […]