Dr.Venkatesh Kumar M , Dr. Suhas Udayakumar (Neurosurgery), Dr.Praveena(Pediatrics ID), Dr.C.Jayakumar, AIMS, Kochi. Two year old male child , first born who was apparently normal three months back presented with  vomiting followed by ataxia and then seizures was managed with symptomatic measures then got admitted after 2 weeks of symptoms onset .The child had a cardiac […]

Case of Burkitts Lymphoma

Dr Theresa, Dr Rema (pediatric hematology), Dr C Jayakumar Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi Five year old male child was referred fro due to an abdominal mass. He was admitted in outside hospital in view of sever abdominal pain and constipation since 3 days. As , blood investigations showed anaemia with elevated LDH referral was madeUSG […]

Case of Fibroadenoma

Dr.Shobika,Dr.Naveen Viswanathan (Paed surgery)DrPreethi ,DrPraveena DrC Jayakumar Seventeen year old female child was brought with swelling in both breasts left>right for 2 months duration which is painless,mobileand with no discharge.Past history:No previous hospital admission in past Birth history-2nd child of NCMAntenatal history-uneventfulNatal history- Term normal vaginal B.w-3kg/CIABPostnatal history-uneventfulLocal examination- Multiple Masses palpable in both breastsLargest mass (3×3cm) palpable […]

Whats white and not yellow?

Dr. Rithwik Sunil, Dr Sathyajith G Nair, Dr C JayakumarThree month old male child presented with complaints of passing pale colored stools since birth 1st child of NCMAntenatal History- Mother had PIH and was on medications.USG scan at 8th month showed pelvi calyceal dilation.Natal History- Preterm LSCS at 34 weeks/Birth Weight-2 kg/(Ind:leaking PV)/CIAB Postnatal History- […]

Think beyond GBS In weakness of lower limb

Dr Mehak Bashin,DrVinayan Dr Vyshsk(AIMS Neuro)Dr C Jayakumar Twelve year old female child with age appropriate milestones, immunised for age developed low grade intermittenr fever of 2 day duration followed by generalised tiredness and myalgia. Mother noticed at that time the child was taking longer than usual to complete daily activities like taking a bath. After 10 […]

Case of Hepatitis A associated hyperacute liver failure

Dr.Ghaniya KC , Dr. C Jayakumar Amrita Institute of medical sciencesKochi Fourteen year old female child developmentally normal, immunized for age presented with moderate grade intermittent fever (Tmax-100 F) since five days , Two episodes of non-projectile, non-bilious vomiting and yellowish discoloration of sclera , bilateral upper and lower limbs since 2 days. H/o outside food intake […]

Case of Sacrococcygeal teratoma

DrSreelekshmy DrJayasree (Aims Neo)DrC Jayakumar  Twenty day old baby, term first child of NCM, born by LSCS to a primi mother at term cried immediately after birth. Baby was antenatally detected to have a heterogenous mass in the sacral region. Postnatal MRI showed a Heterogenous complex mass (3.6×3.2×4.2cm) sized involving coccyx and lower sacrum in midline and […]


Dr. Terencia/ Dr. Sajith Kesavan, Dr. GreeshmaIssac/ Dr. C JayakumarAIMS, Kochi Six year old known case of RYR 1 heterozygous mutation (autosomal recessive congenital myopathy) presented with high grade intermittent fever and productive cough generalised body pain and lethargy of two days duration to an outside hospital. Heated humidified high flow nasal cannula ( HHHFNC) […]

Bronchiectasis with Emphysematous changes!!!

Dr Joepaul Joy, Dr Sajith Kesavan(Pediatric pulmonology and intensivist), Dr Greeshma(Pediatric intensivist), Dr C Jayakumar Ten year old male child, third child of nonconsanguineous marriage with uneventful antenatal and perinatal history-presented with complaints of intermittent wet cough, difficulty in breathing in the form of fast breathing, exertional dyspnea and wheezing since last 1 month. Child […]