Dr.Jerin.K.John,Dr.Suma Balan(Ped Rheumatology),Dr.Kumar Abhinav (PedRheumatology),Dr.C.Jayakumar(Pediatrics)Three month-old female infant, the first child of a non-consanguineous marriage, born preterm at 35 weeks of gestation with a normal birth weight, presented with fever for three days. The fever was high-grade, subsiding with acetaminophen At 1.5 months of age, the infant had been admitted for culture-negative sepsis, presenting with fever, cough, […]
Dr Anakha V Ajay Dr Mahesh K(Dept of Pediatriccardiology) Dr C Jayakumar(Dept of Pediatrics) AIMS, KochiSixteen day old, term male baby born birth weight of 2.8kg with uneventful perinatal history, referred due to tachycardia with HR up to 230/min,. Baby was given Adenosine(3 doses) and was on oralPropranolol @ 5 mg per kg per day.Baby […]
Dr.Venkatesh Kumar, Dr.Praveena , Dr.C.Jayakumar , AIMS, Kochi. Three months old male presented with increaesed frequency of stools ,inadequate weight gain and generalized peeling of skin from Day 56 of lifeInitially treated as diaper rash which extended to perianal , bilateral buttocks and bilateral lower limbs , trunk , upper limb and finally face. History of […]
Dr Theresa Raju, Dr Sathyajith Nair, Dr Sajith Kesavan, Dr C Jayakumar, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi Ten year old female child presented with h intermittent fever with a Tmax of 104degree F and dry cough of 7 and breathing difficulty days duration and breathing difficulty of 3 days duration. CXR taken showed left upper […]
Dr.SHOBIKA,Dr.Praveena,Dr.Bindu,Dr C JayakumarAims KochiFourteen years old female presented with complaints of abdominal pain for 2 days duration.H/o 5 episodes of non bilious non projectile vomiting of 1 day duration.No h/o painful micturition, bleeding PV,trauma,loose stools,altered sensorium Birth history:1st child of NCMAntenatal history: UneventfulNatal history: Term/AGA/NVD/B.w-3.4kg/CIABPostnatal history: UneventfulNo previous hospital admissions in the pastDevelopmentally normal and […]
Dr.Rithwik Sunil, Dr Sathyajith G Nair, Dr C Jayakumar Two old male status post fulguration 3 times for PUV presented with wet cough, Vomiting and low grade fever of 3 days with dysentery and was receiving Ofloxacin after food from outside eatery Other system symptoms were negativeRelevant lab result was elevated serum creatinine(4mg/dl) and urea levels(139mg/dl)PAST […]
Dr. Mahak Bhasin, Dr. Praveena Bhaskaran, Dr. Jayakumar, Department of Pediatrics, AIMS, Kochi Two and a half old male baby, developmentally normal, immunised with birth vaccines and 6 week vaccination presented with complaints of a firm non mobile non tender non erythematous swelling in left axilla not associated with any discharge in the left axillary […]
Dr.Ghaniya KC , Dr.C JayakumarAmrita Institute of Medical sciences , Kochi Five years old male child presented with complaints of high grade intermittent fever and diffuse abdominal pain since three days and two episodes of non-projectile non-bilious vomiting since one day.CBC done out side showed highly elevated Total counts 80K /uL , hence referred to […]
Dr Varsha v s, Dr Suma Balan, Dr Sajith Kesavan, Dr C Jayakumar Five year old boy with past history of iron deficiency anemia, refractory to iron therapy requiring multiple blood transfusions presented with c/o cough of 2 weeks with shortness of breath and hemoptysis 2 episodes. Past history Mother had Mixed connective tissue disorder […]
Dr. Terencia. A, Dr. Sajith Kesavan/Dr.Greeshma Issac, Dr. C JayalumarAIMS, KOCHIone month old baby was shown to periphery hospital with alleged history of intentional ingestion of Paraquat( herbicide), following which the baby developed 2 episodes of vomiting with bluish discolouration of vomitus and urine with drooling of saliva since past 2 days. Poisoning was suspected […]