The Blocked Beat !!!

Dr.SreeLekshmy.S, Dr.Krishnakumar (pediatric cardiology), Dr.Jayasree, Dr.Sheela Namboothiri(pediatric genetics)DrC Jayakumar A term Asymmetrical SGA male baby born to a primi mother at 38weeks with a birthweight of 2.12kg, cried at birth and was referred inview of antenatally detected congenital heartblock and large membranous VSD.At admission baby had respiratory distress and bradycardia (HR-60/min). General examination revealed dysmorphic facies with […]

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Dr Joepaul Joy, Dr Sajith Kesavan, Dr Greeshma, Dr C Jayakumar          AIMS, Kochi Seven months old Ex-preterm(29 wk + 5 days) old , male, 1st child of DCDA, was referred from outside hospital in view of frequent episodes of hypoxic arrest and prolonged ventilatory need for further evaluation and management. Antenatal history of mother having Dengue fever 2 weeks prior to delivery. Baby […]

A Case of Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis (PFIC)

Dr.Jerin.K.John, Dr.Bhanu Vikraman Pillai (Ped Gastro,AIMS), Dr.C.Jayakumar  A fifty-day-old baby boy presented with yellowish discoloration of both eyes, dark-colored urine, and pale stools since birth. He is the first child of a non-consanguineous marriage. Antenatally, an anomaly scan had revealed a single umbilical artery, and the mother had gestational diabetes managed by diet control.  The baby was […]


Dr Anakha V Ajay Dr Jayasree (Neo)DrNaveen Viswa nath( Paed Surgery )Dr C JayakumarAIMS Kochi Two day old baby born with moral perinatal history did not pass meconium by 24 hours of life baby was admitted to NICU for observation. Baby was also noted to have abdominal distension. Rectal stimulation with glycerine enema was given and baby passed meconium. Xray […]

High count and fever-Acute infection or something that we don’t want?

Dr.Venkatesh Kumar, Dr.Rema( Hematology),Dr.C.Jayakumar, Dr.Praveena, Dr.Preethi, AIMS,Kochi. Five year old male child second child of non-consanguinous marriage  presented with high grade intermittent fever ,vomiting , irritability and poor oral intake of 4 days duration after initial treatment from another hospital with parenteral antibiotics , As the symptoms were persisting despite treatment and labs done showed high […]


Dr Theresa Raju, Dr Sajitha Nair, Dr Sindhu, Dr Sreya, Dr Sheena Kochumon (paediatric genetics), Dr C Jayakumar, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences Eleven year-old female child with history of recurrent episodes of cough with wheeze on controllers presented with short stature, failure to thrive, and history recurrent (5)fractures following trivial trauma in the past.First […]

Sick to the Stomach

;Dr.Rithwik Sunil, Dr.Praveena N.B, Dr. C JayakumarA 17-year-old male presented with a two-week history of fever, loose stools, and vomiting. He reported an evening rise in temperature, with a maximum recorded spike of 101 °F. The patient experienced significant abdominal pain, primarily localized to the right lumbar and iliac regions, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. He […]

Case of Retinoblastoma

Dr. Shobika, Dr.Jayakumar,Dr.Praveena,Dr.PreethiAIMS kochiNine months old female child was brought with complaints of inward deviation of right eye noticed by mother around 5 months of age.No h/o watering of eyes,eye discharge,nystagmus, Past history:No previous hospital admission in past Birth history:1st child of NCMAntenatal history:UneventfulNatal history:Term/AGA/Female/B.W-3.5kg/CIAB Post natal history:UneventfulDevelopmentally normal and immunized upto age. At admission,child […]

A Case of Signicant Weight Loss

Dr. Mahak Bhasin, Dr. Sajitha Nair, Dr Sindhu, Dr Sreya, Dr C. Jayakumar, Department of Pediatrics, AIMS, Kochi Seventeen year old child developmentally normal and immunised for age k/c/o hypothyroidism on treatment for the same had complaints of infrequent bowel movements with painful passage of hard stools ~once in two weeks. Weight was 55kgs at this […]

Case of Left thalamic cryptogenic abscess

Dr.Ghaniya KC, Dr.C Jayakumar  Four year old female child ,presented with complaints of intermittent high-grade fever since two weeks, headache for 10 days, and vomiting for 4 days, with one episode of seizure characterized by uprolling of eye ball and stiffening of all four limbs  No significant perinatal /past history of any illness CLINICAL EXAMINATION […]