Dr Varsha V S, Dr Vinayan KP(Ped neuro)DrC Jayakumar AIMS , KochiThree month old boy, with history of neonatal encephalopathy presented with prolonged posturing of the body and poor oral intake. Duration of these episode gradually increased in the last 48 hours Term and preeclampsia of the mother led to emergency LSCSAt birth baby was Floppy and […]
Dr. Terencia, Dr. Sajith Kesavan, Dr. C Jayakumar Dept of Pediatrics AIMS, KOCHITwo years old male child presented with temper tantrums, feeling of loneliness, sleep disturbances and nightmares.Parents had noticed these symptoms after birth of younger sibling and thought to be due to sibling rivalry Tab Escitalopram started from an our side health care was without any notable […]
Dr.SreeLekshmy.S, Dr.C.Jayakumar, Dr.Jayasree, Dr.Sheela Namboothiri Pretem (36+3weeks) born to a 34 year old G2A1 mother with antenatal scans showing fetus with vein of galen malformation, dextrocardia, bilateral SVC, lower placed and malrotated right kidney, single umbilical artery. AFI- 31. Microarray sent was normal. Baby was born at 36+3 weeks of gestation on 20/09/24 at 10:36am by elective LSCS […]
Dr Joepaul Joy, Dr Sajitha Nair, Dr Sindhu Ambujakshi , Dr SreyaNair , Dr C Jayakumar One year old male child, first born of non-consanguineous marriage with no significant antenatal and postnatal history with a BW of 2.75kg presented with thrombocytopenia which was detected during evaluation of LRTI at 8 months of age. He had two […]
Dr.Jerin.K.John, Dr.Suma Balan (Ped Rheumat, AIMS), Dr.C. Jayakumar An eight year-old boy initially presented with high-grade fever and progressive additive polyarthritis involving both large joints (knees, elbows, and ankles) and small joints of the hands. The pain was severe, with morning stiffness, restricted mobility, and tearfulness due to discomfort. During his hospital stay, significant synovitis was observed across multiple joints. Despite treatment with naproxen, the […]
Dr Anakha V Ajay ,Dr Jayasree (Dept of Neonatology) Dr Sajith Kesavan(Dept of Paediatric Pulmonology) Dr C Jayakumar AIMS , Kochi.Thirty eight weeks of gestation baby born via elective LSCS antenatal scans showed fetus with left congenital diaphragmatic hernia(CDH) with stomach, bowel and liver as content. Heart dextroposed mild ventricular disproportion.Baby cried immediately after birth. […]
Dr.Venkatesh Kumar M , Dr.Vinayan (Pediatric Neurology) ,Dr.Jayakumar , AIMS, Kochi. Four months male child , third born to non-consanguinousmarriage presented with history of paroxysmal events now presented with excessive sleep,vomiting, decreased activity and loss of attained milestones over the last 2 weeks following a mild febrile illness. Baby was born Term/ AGA(birth weight: 3.8 […]
Dr Theresa Raju, Dr Sheela (pediatric genetics), Dr C Jayakumar , Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, KochiSeven month old months old male came to our hospital in view of dysmorphic facies.He was the first child of non-consanguineous marriage born preterm at 33 weeks of gestation by emergency LSCS (Ind: fetal distress) with a birth weight […]
Dr.Shobika,Dr.Sajitha,Dr.Sindhu,Dr.Sreya,DrC Jayakumar AIMS KOCHITwo months old male child presented with complaints of high grade intermittent fever and multiple episodes of loose stools of 3 days duration with 2 episodes of blood tinged stools. Baby was on formula feeds also two weeks prior to the admission No previous hospital admissions in past.Development wise – Social smile attained and immunized […]
Dr. Mahak Bhasin, Dr Sajitha Nair,Dr C Jayakumar(Dept of Pediatrics, AIMS) At 6 months old, female baby was brought with complaints of dry sounding cough, runny nose with clear nasal discharge and high grade intermittent fever of 2 days with sticky purulent discharge from right eye.History of recent travel from native place.History of contact with […]