Dr.Shobika,Dr.SajithaNair ,DrSreya Nair DrSindhu Dr.C. Jayakumar,AIMS KochiEleven months old male baby presented with high grade intermittent fever of 18 days duration –associated with occasional cough of 2 weeks duration.No history of associated fast breathing/ chest indrawing/ grunting/ cyanosis/ seizures.Labs in the local hospital showed neutrophilic leucocytosis with elevated inflammatory markers. Xray chest showed hilar prominence .He […]
Dr.Rithwik Sunil, Dr.Praveena N B, Dr C Jayakumar One year 7-month girl, of a non-consanguineous parentage , presented with complaints of altered sensorium and seizures following an acute febrile illness. History of high-grade fever and altered stools with blood was also present. History of similar complaints in sibling and children of neighbourhood were noted.She […]
Dr Mahak Bhasin, Dr Sajith Keshavan, Dr Jayakumar, Department of Pediatrics, AIMS, Kochi Six year old female baby born at term via normal vaginal delivery with birth weight of 3.2kgs to primi mother. History of reduced perception of fetal movements noted during the third trimester but the mother was reassured. Uneventful post natal period. At 3 months child […]
Dr.Ghaniya KC, Dr.Vinitha Prasad, Dr.C.Jayakumar Two months old male child, presented with complaints of fever and rhinitis since one day.No history of cough/breathing difficulty/ poor feeding/irritability. No significant past medical history.1st child of NCM born after reuterine insemination conception.Antenatal , Natal and postnatal were uneventfulFamily history- h/o febrile seizure in mother and uncleImmunisation history – immunized […]
Dr varsha v s/ Dr jayakumar/ Dr Praveena Fourteen years old girl presented with c/o pain in the left leg while walking and high grade intermittent fever of past 3 weeks duration. As she is noticed to have a progressive swelling in the distal region of thigh associated with limping, weight loss and persistent fever […]
Dr. Terencia/ Dr. Vinayan/Dr.Vaishakh Anand(Dept of Pediatric Neurology)/ Dr. C Jayakumar(Dept of Pediatrics), AIMS, Kochi One and half year old boy, 1st child of NCM Term/IUGR-1.86kg and mild motor delay presented with complaints of behavioral issues of 2 weeks withpreceding history of fever with cough/cold 5 days prior this Other domains except the motor was normal […]
Dr.SreeLekshmy.S, Dr.Jayasree, Dr.Brijesh,DrC Jayakumar Expreterm baby was born at 31 weeks to a G2A1 mother on 4/8/24 with a Birth weight of 1.93 kg Baby and had NICU stay of 10 days in an outside hospital. Baby was started on CPAP and weaned to room air by day 21 pf life. Blood culture sent during the […]
Dr Joepaul Joy, Dr Vinayan KP, Dr VaishakhAnand(Pediatric Neurology), Dr SheelaNampoothiri(Genetics), Dr C Jayakumar AIMS, Kochi […]
Dr.Jerin.K.John,Dr.Suma Balan(Ped Rheumat ,AIMS Kochi), Dr.C.Jayakumar (Paediatrics)A 14-year-old male, the second child of non-consanguineous parents, presented with a history of worsening low back pain and radicular pain for three years, with increased intensity over the last two months. The pain radiated to the back, chest, and abdomen, exacerbated by coughing, sneezing, and bending. There were […]
Dr Anakha V Ajay, Dr Jayasree (Dept of Neonatology) Dr Suhas( Dept of Neurosurgery) Dr C Jayakumar(Dept of Pediatrics), AIMS, KochiA female neonate born to thirty two year old Gravida 2 Abortion 1 mother at 36+6 weeks of gestation by elective LSCS due to large head. Antenatally mother had history of GDM on insulin. Anomaly […]